Our Projects

Free Your Voice designs and delivers unique singing based opportunities to organisations including: Mind, Kirleatham Special School, Earthbeat Theatre and EVA Women's Aid Redcar.
Free Your Voice draws upon the skills of a wide
range of groups and individuals including large community choirs,
professional opera singers, professional musicians and sound technicians.
Free Your Voice has just completed a successful project at
Kirkleatham Special School.
"We worked with children and young people with special needs and with Earthbeat Theatre Company to help build up self esteem and confidence".
The result of the work was that in those involved were brave enough to sing to a big audience full of friends, family and school children.
As another part of this project, the singing coach's teenage students learned how to be mentors and supported and sang with the children and young people from kirkleatham.
Free Your Voice draws upon the skills of a wide
range of groups and individuals including large community choirs,
professional opera singers, professional musicians and sound technicians.
Free Your Voice has just completed a successful project at
Kirkleatham Special School.
"We worked with children and young people with special needs and with Earthbeat Theatre Company to help build up self esteem and confidence".
The result of the work was that in those involved were brave enough to sing to a big audience full of friends, family and school children.
As another part of this project, the singing coach's teenage students learned how to be mentors and supported and sang with the children and young people from kirkleatham.